9x faster time to market, a company record

Before BigSpring AI:

No visibility of compliance & proficiency of individual sellers prior to certification.

Sellers got feedback only in live calls with coaches, requiring time away from the field & scheduling overhead.

Self-practice lacked interactivity (e.g. objection handling)

Now the Biopharma Company can:

Monitor real-time proficiency & compliance at scale, and plot improvement over time.

Reps AI to track noncompliant word usage, mispronunciation, quality & accuracy.

Improve seller performance through interactive self-practice plus coaching.

Capture best practices from top performers and propagate to rest of team.

Free up time for managers to sell more, and coach asynchronously when convenient.

“One struggling Sales Rep was like a different person within 3 days of practicing on BigSpring AI! She passed all her sales calls evaluations.” - Pam, Training Manager

“Watching my own recording, I realized that I used more filler words than I thought I did. BigSpring AI makes me feel like I have a head start before I meet with a doctor.” - Rachel, Sales Rep

“People asked me if BigSpring AI played a role in our record-breaking speed to certify our sales team and I replied: Of course!” - Tom, Marketing

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Record compliance and 2x field engagement
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"Unprecedented engagement" and 216% sales uplift with partners
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