BigSpring AI’s Mission

Empower people to be work ready in a rapidly changing world

Leadership team

Bhakti Vithalani

Founder and CEO

Rajesh Ghosh


Yin L. Yin

Customer Growth

Jonathan Monroe


Tricia Lee


Our Story

Our founder grew up in Mumbai, a vibrant city of stark extremes. Anyone who’s walked down the streets of Mumbai has witnessed the inequities and asked, “What’s the path forward”? Fast forward a couple of decades, Bhakti worked as a management consultant with McKinsey & Company. She heard too many clients speak of a “talent shortage”, not a lack of people, but a lack of execution capabilities. Solving this seemed essential for business, and essential for society.

In 2017, BigSpring AI was founded to move people from test ready to job ready, and measure results (versus seats) to establish investing in people as essential. Job ready is a moving target so BigSpring AI was built to adapt to changing needs. This also enables social mobility. Anyone can become anything.

BigSpring AI Facts

Global footprint with users
across 20+ countries
and 5 continents. 
Leading companies in Tech, Biopharma, Healthcare, Financial services, Manufacturing, Retail are customers of BigSpring.
1 million+ users reached across both mobile and web.

Our Values

Empathy for people

We stand for people and empathize with their aspirations and circumstances. We build for the person, not the enterprise user.

Solve customer problems

We deeply understand customer problems and deliver pragmatic solutions. We don’t innovate based on just ideas, and then look for problems to solve. This is how we build trust.

Never stop short of results

We’re not about “What I did,” but rather “What got done,” because we know that activity is not the same as results. It also reminds us that the work supersedes the “I” when we succeed or fail. If the results suck, “I” don’t suck. If the work is great, the work is great.

The obligation to engage and dissent

We achieve excellence not by being on the sidelines, but through speaking our truth courageously and respectfully.

Show up

Grit means we “show up.” We set lofty goals for the long-term, and through the day-to-day highs and lows, we simply focus on ‘showing up’.

Advisors and Investors

John Chambers

CEO and Chairman - Cisco 

Adam Grant

Organizational psychologist - Wharton

Claire Hughes Johnson

Chief Operating Officer - Stripe
Author of Scaling People

Frits van Paasschen

CEO - Starwood Hotels & Resorts. Coors. Nike.

Dr. Greg Badros

VP - Facebook. Senior
Engineering Director - Google.

Hugo Bague

Group Exec - Rio Tinto. Board - JLL. VP HR - HP.

Mark Templeton

President & CEO - Citrix

Martin Nesbitt

Senior Partner, Co-Chairman & Co-Ceo - Vistria Group
Board chair - Obama Foundation

Mike Ohata

Chief Learning Officer, KPMG

Shailesh Rao

Partner - TPG. VP - Twitter. VP - Google.

Stewart Butterfield

CEO & Co-founder - Slack

Wendy Bahr

CCO - Rubrik. SVP Global Partner Org - Cisco