
Conferences: Preparing for Sales Success

Annual conferences are where companies showcase their breakthrough innovations to customers. But innovation doesn’t sell itself—salespeople do, and getting them up to speed is often neglected. Conferences can only get results when salespeople—your ambassadors on the conference floor—are up-to-date and proficient with your latest offerings.

The speed at which innovation occurs today can often leave sales struggling to keep up. As new products and solutions are rolled out, the updates can quickly become overwhelming. Poor sales proficiency means lost sales, and what’s worse is you typically find out after the fact—after the big conference and everything that went into it.

But here’s the good news: there’s a better way—and we’ll show you how.

How a Fortune 500 AI Rapidly Got Its Sales Teams Floor Ready

A Fortune 500 software company launched BigSpring AI ahead of its major flagship conference. They had a singular goal—select and prepare the sales team that would be on the floor during this high-stakes conference. They moved with remarkable decisiveness and speed for a multi-billion dollar multinational.

One week after they signed up, BigSpring AI was launched with hundreds of salespeople to get them practicing for the big conference. They didn’t inundate people with content; rather, they focused on practice to build muscle memory. Conference presence is not just about feature proficiency, it’s about presence, confidence, and the ability to think on your feet. You can’t read your way through that—it comes with practice.

Our customer started by prompting their people to practice, quickly iterating with AI-generated actions to address gaps, and scaling best practices. BigSpring AI’s social community features quickly established credibility with salespeople, not to mention healthy competition that drove them to new heights.

BigSpring AI’s ProScore (a practice score that’s like a step counter) gave the Fortune 500 company the insights it needed to predict and therefore select who would win on the floor. That’s how they selected and prepared their floor team for their big annual conference—all within six weeks. At today’s speed of innovation, you’d think legacy software firms are at risk of slowing down, but we saw exactly the opposite. Testament to this company’s agility and speed is their 50% increase in market gap in the past year alone, amounting to tens of billions of dollars of value gained.

How BigSpring AI Equips Leading-Edge Companies

BigSpring AI is a leading-edge platform that works with leading-edge companies to level up sales at the speed of innovation. Flagship conferences are a massive opportunity to drive results. In business, just like in sports, people practice to get results. Here’s the structured approach we took:

1. Move from Content to Practice

BigSpring AI is so versatile, it can run with or without content. You start by launching a campaign, which prompts people to practice toward a goal—in this case, being floor-ready with the latest innovation. Campaigns can be designed to include specific content, or simply provide a prompt. In this instance, the first campaign was a pitch contest—no content, rather a prompt to salespeople to practice and showcase their pitch. That’s how we get the ball rolling.

2. Get Fast Results, Then Solve for Scale

Technology platform deployment can often be evaluated as distinct initiatives to be undertaken. At BigSpring AI, we suggest a different approach. Rather than have tech be a consideration for a company’s top priorities, we like to guide customers to identify how tech can accelerate a top priority. In this instance, achieving a successful annual conference was the priority BigSpring accelerated. It allowed the customer to test ease of use, engagement, and actual results before scaling BigSpring AI to other areas.

3. “Everboard” Sales at the Speed of Innovation

In today’s fast-moving market, keeping salespeople continuously updated is essential. BigSpring AI enables companies to maintain a steady stream of updates and a two-way conversation with your salesforce, ensuring they’re prepared and you have total visibility. Practice predicts success and ensures no surprises with lost sales.

Upgrade Your Sales Like You Upgrade Your Innovation

One of the biggest mistakes companies make is treating sales as an afterthought. When new products debut, your sales force must be ready to hit the ground running. This means they start well before a product is launched. Practice achieves this—it builds muscle memory for the launch and predicts results.

BigSpring AI’s approach is inspired by sports. Athletes don't become stars by watching a game. They become stars by getting their reps in every day and tracking results. That's the rigor BigSpring AI brings to your sales force, ensuring they're ready to execute through practice. We think of results as the scoreboard, and BigSpring AI as the practice engine to get people ready for the game, which means you’re ready for results.

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Conferences: Preparing for Sales Success
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